Success stories
Ductile Iron Pipe Manufacturer
A Ductile Iron Pipe Manufacturer was using our conventional product, 500*5*38 COW wheel with Al- Oxide and buying approximately 1500 to 1600 wheels to cut Ø 800 and 600 [...]
A Tool manufacturer in Netherlands
A tool manufacturer in Netherlands, ordered Topline abrasives from India, used in a 5-Axis Tool Grinding Machine and compared it against a competitors product. The component was Carbide End Mills [...]
Air compressors & pneumatic tools
A customer who is a manufacturer of air compressors and pneumatic tools, was using a competitor abrasive for a WMW machine. This abrasive was a gear with a wheel life [...]
Automobile Manufacturer
An automobile manufacturer was using a competitor’s abrasive for crank pin grinding. The dressing frequency was every two pins and the surface finish was RZ-3.3 Max. The wheel life is [...]
An Engine Valve Customer
An Engine Valve Customer was using a competitor’s Centreless Grinding Wheels 500*100*304.8, with a wheel life of 30,000 minutes approximately. Material Removal with their wheel was 0.2 and 0.4, and [...]
A Manufacturer of castings products and foundry equipment
A manufacturer of castings products and foundry equipment was using a competitor’s abrasive products for a Swimfram Grinder-05. This abrasive was a crack cage with a diameter of 393, and [...]